Sunday, February 25, 2007


1. Tonga
2. Fiji
3. Haiti

Blood and Oil

Michael Klare's presentation really opened my eyes to the reality of the United States position in the Middle East. The US is an oil hungry nation that throughout their recent past has done everything in their power to keep ahold of this resource. It started in the 1940's with the Roosevelt presidency and the developement of the relaitonship with the royal family in Saudi Arabia. In order to ensure that future oil would be accessable, we vowed to protect the royal family in exchange for them letting us dip our hands in their oil bins.
Klare discusses the Bush administration before and after 9/11. Before the attack they were focussed on procuring resources and energy for the US, but after they turned their eyes on the "war on terror". I believe that both are closely related in the sense the our war against terrorism is ultimately a war to secure oil. The US was scared that when Iraq invaded Kuwait, they would be threatening the borders of Saudi Arabi which would be threatening our oil supply. It was quite a surprise to hear that we were not the only ones to offer aid to Kuwait, but Osama Bin Laden also did. Our constant military presence in the middle east led to the hatred of our country. I think 9/11 was a result of several actions by the US and that our "war on terror" is just an exuse to secure our countries thirst for oil.

Book translations...

I found this talks about how people are racing to translate books into different languages before their market decides that they don't want to read their certain material anymore. They talk about the whole process of properly translating and distributing. It is kind of an example of globalization and the social conformity of outside nations.,,1999420,00.html