Tuesday, January 30, 2007


When the "ruling class" or the power elite is mentioned, the people who basically run the country are the president and his cabinet, owners of big companies who influence political decisions, and high military officials. I believe that the ruling class is constructed of individuals that are from the "from a different world" theory. At the same time I also think that they have a benevolent mentality. I don't believe that someone can just wake up one day and decide that they want to be the president of the United States, or create some large corporation that has enough money to push around political ideas. Being in such positions is a hereditary achievement. It is very doubtful that a child born into a working class family is going to grow up to be the president of the US. The power elite however, rule in a manner that favors the overall security of the country. Although some may argue that "the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer" I don't believe that people with power sit around and think of ways to suppress the nation. I just think that that that is the only system in which they know the country will function in a manner to stay atop the world.
When considering what the we see goes on in the world and what is actually going on, I think that what is conveyed to the mass public audience is highly filtered. The ruling class in the end ultimately decides what the public is exposed to. Politicians, media, and other institutional sources are all somewhat leashed by the elite power that controls our county and world. In terms of our class, this concept is something that we have to take into consideration when listening to certain ideas delivered by these altered sources. Understanding this power the controls the world, gives us a chance to wipe the fog from our glasses and actually make some intellectual strides toward equality and peace.

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